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Invento-Energy and Limoengroen together are building a windturbine at the Weehagenbeek in Wuustwezel. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.
Invento-Energy and Storm together are building a windturbine park in Loenhout. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.
Invento-Energy and Limoengroen together are building a windturbine the Dreefmolen in Zedelgem. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.
Invento-Energy and Limoengroen together are building a windturbine the Akkermolen in Arendonk. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.
Invento-Energy and Storm together are building a windturbine park in Aalter and Deinze. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.
Invento-Energy and Eneco together are building a windturbine park in Damme. Click on the image for the projectwebsite.